The certificates issued by Rochem Inspectors are valuable documents that protect the interest of our clients by offering assurance to the quantity and quality of the Independent Custody Transfer. Unfortunately, the misuse of quality logos or signatures is common in the testing, inspection and certification (TIC) industry. Occasionally, inspection certificates and reports can display company signatures or logos that have never undergone adequate test or inspection procedures.
To combat increasing misuse of company logos and counterfeit certificates and reports, we have created this platform to encourage clients or traders in the petroleum sector to report and upload any certificates/reports that they would like to validate from us – to ensure the inspection was actually performed by Rochem Inspectors.
We will also be publishing any counterfeit certificates that we come across on this website to protect all interested parties.
Together with the help of the TIC Council, we are doing our best to combat counterfeit certificates. If you have any further inquiries related to this subject matter, please do not hesitate to contact our compliance team at